What is tuconstitucion.cl?
It is a civic participation project which aims to collect information from the general public on the content of a potentially new constitution, via an interactive online platform.
What can be found on tuconstitucion.cl?
The platform is composed of two parts. The first part consists of an educational and instructional component which reviews the history of Chilean constitutions. Here, visitors can revise and read about the different Chilean constitutions dating from 1811 to the present. The second part allows the visiting public to read and publish opinions and proposals. They can also vote in our online surveys, comment on the different news articles and other published content, and share their preferences on social media, like Facebook and Twitter.
What is the overall goal of tuconstitucion.cl?
The purpose of this civic participation project is to encourage debate about the content of a new Chilean constitution, from the personal point of view of individuals participating in our endeavour. At the end of the project, we will submit a document outlining the converging and diverging opinions of the public actively involved in the online platform. We expect this document to contribute to the wider national debate.
And how will all the material be processed?
To facilitate the processing of all the information submitted to the platform, a multidisciplinary team of analysts and researchers is reviewing all opinions and comments. These are then arranged by topic, prior to the publication of regular content update reports. In turn, a cross-cutting team of constitutional lawyers familiar with the submitted content is compiling a set of opinions and proposing additional topics in order to encourage further debate.
How can I get involved with tuconstitucion.cl?
There are essentially two ways: as a registered user and as a visiting guest. Generally, visiting guests can access all material, but only registered users can publish comments. To register, you can use personal social media accounts, like Facebook or Twitter.
What can I publish on tuconstitucion.cl and how?
All tuconstitucion.cl participants can freely publish issues of public interest, participate in the constitutional debates and forums generated, and create or join conversation groups. There is also a “Dream Inbox” (buzondesuenos.cl), a tool which allows each user to write their ideal constitution, including its contents, how it is drawn up and what it should represent.
Is the content reviewed prior to its publication?
No. However, all material is subject to a posteriori moderation. This is done is case of offensive comments which may incite hatred, if comments break any applicable laws or go against the principles of healthy democratic co-existence.
How long will the project last?
For one year, from March 2015 to March 2016.
Is this an official project sanctioned by the national Government or Congress?
No. The initiative has been implemented by Fundación Democracia y Desarrollo (fdd.cl) as part of its line of work in encouraging civic participation and digital action.